Community  Organization and Change

Rural Soc / Soc 573
The web address for this syllabus is :

Professor: Randy Stoecker
Office:  Ag Hall 340d
Office Hours: MW 4-5:00, and by appointment
Phone:  890-0764
Fax: 263 - 4999

Fall, 2007
MW 2:30-3:45
118 Human Ecology

WELCOME... Community Organization and Change.  This is the revival of a course that has not been taught for many years at the University.  It will, consequently, be a work in progress.  People are likely to bring many definitions of the three title concepts:  community, organization, and change, that we will need to work through.  So be prepared to work through those definitions and perhaps be surprised now and then.


I have two goals for this course:

1.  to understand community organizing in a theoretical context.

2.  to learn basic community organizing skills.


Please inform me if you have special learning needs so I can adjust the course to meet those needs.


When teachers realize they still have things to learn and students realize they have things to teach, and when everyone is in an atmosphere where teachers are encouraged to learn and students are encouraged to teach, everyone benefits.

My job is to create and maintain a classroom atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable taking intellectual and interpersonal risks, and to support others in doing so as well.  I welcome challenges to  ideas, especially my own.  But please practice respect for each other as people while you question and criticize each others' ideas. 


Please consult with me whenever you have a question about course assignments, lectures, discussions, or readings. I will gladly discuss questions you have about the course material. You should also consult with me whenever you may find yourself interested in the issues raised in the course and you want to discuss further or get more information.


Community organization, as a practice, has been until recently unique to the United States.  That doesn't mean people in other nations are not doing grassroots advocacy or development, only that the particular practice that we call community organizing is a U.S. practice.  Thus, most of this course will have a U.S. focus, though I will include German, Australian, and Canadian perspectives with which I am familiar.  I welcome those of you with international experience to make those part of the course, particular in the final weeks of the course, which will be student led.

There are two important sources of contemporary community organization in the United States:  Saul Alinsky, often considered the founder of community organizing; and Ella Baker, a much less recognized but no less important Civil Rights movement organizer.  We will thus spend the first couple of weeks getting that history under our belts.  We will build on this history by exploring philosophies of community organizing, addressing issues such as the role of ideology in organizing.

The middle of the course will look at the actual process of community organizing, analyzing how community organizers actually do the work of community organization.

The final section of the course will be student led, with volunteers organizing class sessions on topics about which I lack expertise and experience.


Because my involvement with community organizers has led me to see lectures as a disempowering form of education, I will do only a little lecturing.  Most of the time, then, we will be engaged in small group or large group discussion and workshops. These discussions will require you to provide information you obtained from the readings so, if you don't do the required readings each week, you will be lost and we will lose your participation. We will also be doing a number of workshops during the course that will involve discussion and interaction. I always welcome your participation, comments, and questions since I think student participation contributes to a much more interesting class.


Since this is a community organizing course, the books for the course will be available at a locally owned and community-based bookstore:

A Room of One's Own Feminist Bookstore
307 W. Johnson St.
Madison, WI 53703
Tel: 608-257-7888

The following books are required:

Lee Staples.  2004. Roots to Power: A Manual for Grassroots Organizing, 2e, Praeger, ISBN 0-275-96998-3

Rinku Sen. 2003. Stir it Up: Lessons in Community Organizing and Advocacy, Jossey-Bass, ISBN 0-7879-6533-2

Saul Alinsky.  1971.  Rules for Radicals, Vintage, ISBN 0-679-72113-4

Barbara Ransby. 2003. Ella Baker and the Black Freedom Movement: A Radical Democratic Vision, New edition, University of North Carolina Press, ISBN 978-0-8078-5616-1

For those of you serious about being a community organizer, I strongly recommend the following, also available at A Room of One's Own:

Kristin Layng Szakos and Joe Szakos.  2007.  We Make Change: Community Organizers Talk about What They Do--and Why, Vanderbilt University Press, ISBN 978-0-8265-1555-1


This course is supported online, where you will submit your writing and engage in out-of-class discussion.  You should be able to go to to login, where you will see the course listed. This will be primarily for you to upload assignments.  You can also use the "e-mail" link to contact your fellow classmates.


1.  Organizer memos

Most larger community organizing groups usually have a lead organizer and then a number of front-line organizers.  The lead organizer often acts as a kind of supervisor and mentor, talking through strategy with the front-line organizers, debriefing the outcomes of various strategies, and coaching the front-line organizer through the process of recruiting members, building a base, engaging in tactics, and managing campaigns.  Lead organizers don't have time for a lot of writing, but often want reports from the front-line staff.  So the first assignment of the course will be four memos to the lead organizer.  Each should be a maximum of 500 words. 

Doing these memos well will require that you have some familiarity with some community.  We will talk about what a "community" is the first day of class, to help you with that.  But particularly the second and third memos will ask you to out line a strategy for a particular community.  You may want to consider this as a community of which you are a member or one your are familiar with through friends or one you are familiar with through media.

The due dates are posted on the course calendar, below. I will be somewhat strict about the late penalty, since you can turn in assignments electronically.  Documentable debilitating illnesses and tragedies/emergencies, of course, will be granted extensions. I will not grade you, especially on the second and third memos, on the basis of whether I think your proposed strategy will work for a particular community (since I will likely not know those communities).  Instead, I will grade each on a 15 point scale based on the following:

2.  Final Project

Some of you like to write papers.  Some of you have other relevant skills. You can propose to me anything relevant to the overall topic of community organizing for your final project, based on these broad requirements. I welcome and encourage collective work, so feel free to organize groups and develop collaborative projects. Here are some possibilities:

The final project requirements are:


Service learning projects:  I do not see such projects as primarily student learning experiences.  Instead, the first goal of a service learning project is to enhance the capacity of a community organization. That means, to do a service learning project, you need specific skills that you can bring to a community organization.  In your proposal, you will need to tell me what those skills are and how the organization you are working with will deploy those skills.  If you wish to do a service learning project, here are the requirements: 

I will be happy to meet with you and the organization representative at any point to troubleshoot the partnership.  If you run into difficulties along the way, please let me know so we can all sit down together and get the experience on track.

Traditional Papers:  If you choose to write a traditional paper you should be thinking in terms of a minimum of 15 pages/15 references if you are an undergrad and 20 pages/20 references if you are a grad student.

Working in groups:  Groupwork can be challenging.  Some people join groups so they can get other people to do the work.  If you submit a group proposal, I will ask that you specify what each group member will contribute to the final product.  Each group member will receive the same grade for the final project unless a group member has alerted me to a problem in the group.  In that event, I will ask each group member to grade every other group member.  Each group member's project grade will then be computed as follows:

((sum of group member grades / number of group members) + (professor group grade)) / 2

Plagiarism:  Being found guilty of plagiarism can include failing the course and even being expelled from the University.  The Internet makes it very easy  to plagiarize, and to catch plagiarism.  The university also has specialized anti-plagiarism software.  The first thing you need to do is know what plagiarism is so you don't do it by accident.  See for that.  The second thing to know is what to do if you are stuck on a paper.  Best advice--contact your friendly university professor.  Now, I also know that some students are committed to cheating even at the risk of being kicked out of school, while some honest students will be terror stricken that they might flunk the class because they forgot a citation.  Please rest assured I will not flunk anyone because they forgot a citation.  This policy is to catch the flagrant violators, not sloppy referencing. I will help you fix sloppy referencing on your rough drafts.

3.  Attendance

I struggle with whether to require attendance.  I don't want to require attendance and students typically don't want attendance to be required.  But when push comes to shove and students have other exams to study for and other papers to write, my experience is that they stop attending the classes that don't require attendance.  So I am leaning toward an attendance requirement that would work as follows:

3 absences for any reason:  no penalty
4-6 absences:  1/2 grade reduction (from A to AB, or B to BC, for example)
7-9 absences:  1 full grade reduction (from A to B, or B to C, for example)
10-12 absences:  1 1/2 grade reduction
13-15 absences:  2 full grade reductions
and so on

I will take attendance using an attendance sheet.  Falsifying information on the attendance sheet carries the same penalties as plagiarism.  Of course, being "present" means being present for the entire class period.


Your final grade will be figured as the total points earned from the organizer memos (maximum = 60) plus the total points from the final project (maximum = 40).

A (Excellent)
AB (Intermediate grade)
B (Good)
BC (Intermediate grade)
C (Fair)
D (Poor)
F (Failure)
64 or below


    **Note:  undergrads should read all assigned readings each week; grads should also read at least one "resource" reading.  The readings are typically not long and not theoretically difficult.

    **Remember to bring the readings with you.

    **I may add "resource readings" (which are optional) as the semester progresses.  You can always find the most up-to-date list on the web version of this syllabus.  Please let me know of any broken links.

    **If you receive permission errors for any online reading link, go to, log in, and try again.

  Sept.  5: The Community and Community Change

Resource Reading:

Bartle, Phil. What is Community? A Sociological Perspective.  2003.

MacQueen, K. M., et. al., What is community? An evidence-based definition for participatory public health [community-based participatory research]. American Journal of Public Health. Dec. 2001 v. 91 no. 12 p. 1929-38.


García, Isabel; Giuliani, Fernando; Wiesenfeld, Esther. Community and sense of community: The case of an urban barrio in Caracas. Journal of Community Psychology. Nov. 1999, Vol. 27 Issue 6, p727

Hughes, Ian.  What is Community? 2000.

Brint, Steven.  Gemeinschaft Revisited: A Critique and Reconstruction of the Community Concept  Sociological Theory, Vol. 19, No. 1. (Mar., 2001), pp. 1-23.

Wellman, Barry, From Little Boxes to Loosely-Bounded Networks: The Privatization and Domestication of Community Pp. 94-114 in Sociology for the Twenty First Century, edited by Janet Abu-Lughod, University of Chicago Press, 1999.

Black, A., and P. Hughes. The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes - Occasional Paper no, 2001. Department of Family and Community Services Occasional Paper No. 3.  2001.  Commonwealth of Australia.$file/No.3.pdf

  Sept. 10-12:  Saul Alinsky

Saul Alinsky.  1971.  Rules for Radicals (selected chapters)

Resource Reading:

Robert Fisher, "Neighborhood Organizing: The Importance of Historical Context"

Three Alinskys? by Peter Szynka, 2002,

Neil Betten and Michael J. Austin. 1990. The Roots of Community Organizing, 1917-1939. Temple University Press.

Wendy Plotkin. 1996. "Alinsky and Back of the Yards Neighborhood Council."

Wendy Plotkin. 1996. "Alinsky's involvement in Organization of the Southwest Community."

Wendy Plotkin. 1996 "Alinsky's involvement in Woodlawn in Chicago/The Woodlawn Organization."

Saul Alinsky, Reveille For Radicals, Vintage Books, 1969.

Saul Alinsky. 1941. "Community Analysis and Organizations." American Journal of Sociology 46:797-808.

Robert Bailey. 1972. Radicals in Urban Politics: The Alinsky Approach. University of Chicago Press.

P. David Finks, "Alinsky in Smugtown" from The Radical Vision of Saul Alinsky, Paulist Press, 1984.

Joan Lancourt. 1979. Confront or Concede: The Alinsky Citizen-Action Organizations. Lexington Books.


  Sept. 17-19: Ella Baker

Barbara Ransby. 2003. Ella Baker and the Black Freedom Movement (selected chapters)

Resource Reading:

Susan Glisson.  n.d. “Neither Bedecked Nor Bebosomed": Lucy Mason, Ella Baker and Women's Leadership and Organizing Strategies in the Struggle for Freedom. University of Mississippi.

Joanne Grant.  1998.  Ella Baker - Freedom Bound.  New York:  Wiley and Sons.

Charles Payne.  1989.  Ella Baker and Models of Social Change. Signs, Vol. 14, No. 4,  pp. 885-899.

  Sept 24-26: The Contemporary Context


Sen, Introduction, Ch. 1.

Staples, Ch. 1.

Resource Reading:

Marc Pilisuk et al.  2005.  New Contexts of Organizing:  Functions, Challenges, and Solutions.  Chapter 6 in Meredith Minkler (ed.) Community Organizing and Community Building for Health, 2e.  Piscataway, NJ:  Rutgers University Press.

Benjamin Heim Shepard and Ronald Hayduk. 2002. From ACT Up to the WTO: Urban Protest and Community Building in the Era of Globalization.  New York:  Verso.

Ernesto Cortés, Jr., Reweaving the Social Fabric

Mark R. Warren, Creating a Multi-Racial Democratic Community: A Case Study of the Texas Industrial Areas Foundation

Thomas J. Lenz, Building a Force for the Common Good--United Power for Action and Justice.  In Shelterforce Online

ACORN, "Detailed History of ACORN."

Gary Delgado, Chapter 4 "The ACORN Model" from Organizing the Movement, Temple University Press, 1986.

Arlene Stein. 1986. "Between Organization and Movement: ACORN and the Alinsky Model of Community Organizing." Berkeley Journal of Sociology 31:93-115.

Our Resistance Must Be As Local As Capitalism: Place, Scale and the Anti-Globalization Protest Movement, James DeFilippis, 2001,

Local and Global Organizing after 9/11, By Autumn Leonard, Tomás Aguilar, Mike Prokosch, and Dara Silverman, 2001,

Douglas R. Hess, Community Organizing, Building and Developing: Their Relationship to Comprehensive Community Initiatives, Douglas R. Hess, 1999 (Chapter 3)

Michael Eichler. "Look To The Future, Learn From The Past." Shelterforce Online, September/October, 1998.

Gordana Rabrenovic.  1996.  Community Builders:  A Tale of Neighborhood Mobilization in Two Cities.  Philadelphia:  Temple University Press.

  Oct. 1-3: Community Organizing Philosophy

Due Oct. 5 (by 11:59pm central time): Organizer Memo 1--what is your philosophy of community organizing (include readings from 9-5 through 10-3)


Sen, Ch. 9

Staples, Ch 2

Resource Reading:

David Glenn.  2006.  Scorching the Grassroots?  Chronicle of Higher Education. September 15

Kavitha Mediratta and Clay Smith.  2001. Advancing Community Organizing Practice: Lessons from Grassroots Organizations in India.  COMM-ORG,

Fisher, R. & Kling, J.N. (1987). Leading the people: Two approaches to the role of ideology in community organizing. Radical America. 21(l), 31-45.

Rapp, D.W. (1982). Ideology as an aspect of community organization and advocacy. Social Development Issues, 6(1), 53-61.

Robert Kleidman (2004) Community Organizing and Regionalism. City & Community 3 (4), 403–421

Cheryl Honey. 2006.  Community Organizing: Past, Present, and Future.  COMM-ORG,

Stall, Susan, and Randy Stoecker. 1998. "Community Organizing or Organizing Community? Gender and the Crafts of Empowerment." Gender and Society 12:729-756. (revised as Toward a Gender Analysis of Community Organizing Models:  Liminality and the Intersection of Spheres, Chapter 11 in Meredith Minkler (ed.) Community Organizing and Community Building for Health, 2e.  Piscataway, NJ:  Rutgers University Press.).

Mike Eichler.  2007.  Consensus Organizing:  Building Communities of Mutual Self Interest.  Thousand Oaks:  Sage Publications

Michael J. Austin and Jane Isaacs Lowe (eds).  1994.  Controversial Issues in Communities and Organizations, Chapter 3 "Should Grassroots Community Organizations be Linked to a Political Party to Promote Social Change?"  Chapter 8, "Should Today's Community Organizer Use the Tactics Handed Down from Earlier Generations?" and Chapter 9 "Should Only African-American Community Organizers Work in African-American Neighborhoods?"  Needham Heights, MA:  Allyn and Bacon.


  Oct. 8-10:  Basics of Community Organizing: Building a Base
Due Oct. 12 (by 11:59pm central time):  Final project proposal.


Sen, Chapter 2

Staples, Ch 3

Resource Reading:

Dave Beckwith.  1996.  Ten Ways to Work Together: An Organizer's View.   Sociological Imagination.

"Building Public Relationships: The Cornerstone of Our Approach." Written by Ellen S. Ryan for the Virginia Organizing Project. Linked from the VOP Organizing Toolbox

Relationship-Building and Congregational Organizing, by Rabbi Moshe ben Asher, 2002,

Kim Bobo, Jackie Kendall, Steve Max. Organizing for social change: a manual for activists in the 1990's. Washington: Seven Locks Press.  Chapter on Recruiting.

"Holding House Meetings." Reprinted from April 1998 issue of Virginia.Organzing, the news magazine of the Virginia Organizing Project. Linked from the VOP Organizing Toolbox

Fight the Right Action Kit by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. Go to link on "Walking the Talk."

Lesbian Avengers' Civil Rights Organizing Project. Out Against The Right:  An Organizing Handbook.  See link to Recruitment

The Citizen's Handbook, by Charles Dobson of the Vancouver Citizen's Committee.  Read links to:  Getting People, Keeping People, Block by Block Organizing, and especially Information Sharing.

Basics Of Organizing:  You Can't Build A Machine Without Nuts And Bolts, by Shel Trapp.  Read" Introduction" "Doorknocking."

Road Raging:  Top Tips for Wrecking Roadbuilding. Read Chapter 3, Boosting Numbers and Support

  Oct. 15-17: Basics of Community Organizing: Cutting an Issue
Guest:  Dave Beckwith, Executive Director, the Needmor Fund


Sen, Ch. 3

Staples, Ch. 4

Dave Beckwith, with Cristina Lopez, Community Organizing: People Power from the Grassroots.

Resource Reading:

Education Policy Blog.  2006. Community Organizing and Urban Education V: “Cutting an Issue” (Clarity and Passion).

Contra Costa Interfaith Supporting Community Organization: March, 6, 2007.  USING A FEDERAL ISSUE TO DEVELOP LOCAL POWER.  Contra Costa County, CA Leaders Resist Immigration Raids in their Communities.

The Organizers Forum.  2005.  Bringing Framing to Organizing.

Virginia Organizing Project.  n.d.  Turn Problems into Issues.

Shel Trapp, Basics Of Organizing, links to: Identifying Issues,

Community Toolbox:  Developing a Plan for Identifying Local Needs and Resources,

Community Toolbox:  Conducting Public Forums and Listening Sessions,

Community Toolbox:  Collecting Information About the Problem,

  Oct. 22-24:  Basics of Community Organizing: Organizing an Action and Negotiation


Sen, Ch. 4

Staples, Ch. 5

Splain in Staples, pp. 282-288

Resource Reading:

Shel Trapp, Basics Of Organizing, links to:  Public Meeting, Check List for the Public Meeting, Organizing a Demonstration.

The Community Toolbox, by the Community Toolbox Team. Organizing Public Demonstrations, or other sections from

Lesbian Avengers' Civil Rights Organizing Project. Out Against The Right:  An Organizing Handbook.  See link to: What's Wrong With This Picture? A Critique of the Mainstream Campaign Model,   Also see tactics links at: Direct Action for Visibility

Kim Bobo, Jackie Kendall, Steve Max. Organizing for social change: a manual for activists in the 1990's. Washington: Seven Locks Press.  Choose from chapters on Choosing an issue, Developing a strategy, A guide to tactics, Designing actions

Road Raging - Top Tips for Wrecking Roadbuilding, Chapters 8-13.

Tactics of Targets, by ACORN.

Eisinger, Peter K. The Conditions of Protest Behavior in American Cities. The American Political Science Review, Vol. 67, No. 1. (Mar., 1973), pp. 11-28.

Tulloss, Janice K Transforming Urban Regimes - A Grassroots Approach to Comprehensive Community Development: The Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative.  A COMM-ORG Working Paper.


   Oct. 29-31:  Basics of Community Organizing: Leadership and Organizational Development

Due Nov. 2 (by 11:59pm central time): 
Organizer Memo 2--What is your basic organizing strategy for community "X"? (choose a specific community) (include at least one reading from each week of 10-8 through 10-31)


Sen, Ch. 5

Staples, Ch. 6

Resource Reading:

Developing Leadership, author unknown.

Shel Trapp, Basics Of Organizing, links to:  Identifying Leaders, Leadership Development, Leadership/Staff Roles

The Community Toolbox, by the Community Toolbox Team.  Developing a Plan for Building Leadership , or other sections from or

The Community Toolbox, by the Community Toolbox Team.  Organizational Structure: An Overview , or other sections from

Michael J. Austin and Jane Isaacs Lowe (eds).  1994.  Controversial Issues in Communities and Organizations, Chapter 2 "Should Charismatic Leaders be Recruited by Grassroots Organizations to Promote Social Change?"  Needham Heights, MA:  Allyn and Bacon.

   Nov. 5-7:  Advanced Community Organizing: Action Research


Sen, Ch. 6

Collette, in Staples, p. 222

Resource Reading:

Randy Stoecker.  2005.  Research Methods for Community Change.  Thousand Oaks, CA:  Sage.

Randy Stoecker (ed). 1996.  Sociology and Social Action--two special issues of Sociological Imagination,

Michael J. Austin and Jane Isaacs Lowe (eds).  1994.  Controversial Issues in Communities and Organizations, Chapter 10 "Are Quick and Dirty Community Needs Assessments Better Than No Needs Assessments?"  Needham Heights, MA:  Allyn and Bacon.

 Anne B. Shlay and Gordon Whitman. 2004. Research for Democracy: Linking Community Organizing and Research to Leverage Blight Policy.  COMM-ORG,

Lutz Wessels. 2003. Research! Investigating, Organising and Fighting.  COMM-ORG,

Chris M. Coombe.  2005.  Participatory Evaluation:  Building Community While Assessing Change.  Chapter 20 in Meredith Minkler (ed.) Community Organizing and Community Building for Health, 2e.  Piscataway, NJ:  Rutgers University Press.

Meredith Minkler and Chris M. Coombe.  2005.  Using Force Field Analysis and SWOT Analysis as Strategic Tools in Community Organizing.  Appendix 4 in Meredith Minkler (ed.) Community Organizing and Community Building for Health, 2e.  Piscataway, NJ:  Rutgers University Press.

  Nov. 12-14:  Advanced Community Organizing: Coalitions and Allies


Sen, Ch. 7

Simmons, Sampson, and Rosenthal and Mizrahi in Staples, pp. 302-330.

Resource Reading:

Araham Wandersman et al.  2005.  Understanding Coalitions and How They Operate as Organizations. chapter 16 in Meredith Minkler (ed.) Community Organizing and Community Building for Health, 2e.  Piscataway, NJ:  Rutgers University Press.

 Amanda Tattersall, There is Power in Coalition: A Framework for Analysing the Practice of Union-Community Coalitions.  COMM-ORG,

Joan M. Roberts.  2006. A Six-Step Development Framework to Build Successful Alliances, Coalitions and Partnerships.  COMM-ORG,

Margaret Groarke. 2003. Organizing Against Overfinancing: The Northwest Bronx Coalition Campaign Against Freddie Mac. COMM-ORG,

Michael J. Austin and Jane Isaacs Lowe (eds).  1994.  Controversial Issues in Communities and Organizations, Chapter 1 "Should Community-Based Organizations Give Priority to Building Coalitions Rather than Building their Own Membership."  Needham Heights, MA:  Allyn and Bacon.

  Nov. 19-21:  Advanced Community Organizing: Technology and Media
Due Nov. 23 (by 11:59pm central time):  Organizer Memo 3--How might action research, coalitions, and technology/media fit into your basic organizing strategy for community "X"? (choose a specific community) (include at least one reading from each week of 11-5 through 11-21)


Sen, Ch. 8

Weltman and Roberts-DeGenarro in Staples, pp. 264-281

Resource Reading:

Randy Stoecker. 2002.  "Cyberspace vs. Face to face: Community Organizing in the New Millennium."   Perspectives on Global Development and Technology. 1:143-164.

Sonja Herbert.  2005.  Harnessing the Power of the Internet.  Chapter 18 in Meredith Minkler (ed.) Community Organizing and Community Building for Health, 2e.  Piscataway, NJ:  Rutgers University Press.

Lawrence Wallack.  2005.  Media Advocacy:  A Strategy for Empowering People and Communities.  Chapter 23 in Meredith Minkler (ed.) Community Organizing and Community Building for Health, 2e.  Piscataway, NJ:  Rutgers University Press.

  Nov. 26-28:  student projects
Student led sessions:

Nov. 26, TBA

Nov. 28, Hailey Pobanz:  community organizing with aging populations


  Dec. 3-5:  student projects
--Final Project Draft:  Dec. 3 by beginning of class

Student led sessions:

Dec. 3, June Reineke and Carl Egner, asset-based community organizing

Dec. 5, Janina Mera, use of symbols in community organizing
             Anne Mette Møller, working with the press


  Dec. 10-12:  student projects
Due Dec. 14 (by 11:59pm central time):  Organizer Memo 4--How would you change any of your previous memos, or how is your thinking reinforced, based on the material presented in the student led sessions? (include information from at least four student-led sessions)

Student led sessions:

Dec. 10,  Alison Brooks--Brittingham Park

Dec. 12, Meghan Steinke--community organizing version of Jeopardy


  Dec. 19:

DUE--All Final Projects, scheduled finals period, 10:05 A.M. WED. DEC 19